수학자 표정 봐 미쳐 내가 잡아줬지 소숫점 | 파인만 포인트 (feynman point, six nines in pi)

2021. 11. 13. 13:29Ray 수학

이미지를 클릭하면 영상으로 이동합니다

원주 파이 무리수이므로 규칙성이 없어보이는데요. 

신기하게도 숫점 아래 762번째 자리부 9 6개나 연속된 간이 있습니다.

20세 최고 물리학자라고 일컬어지는 리처드 파인만이  간까지 원주율을 외우기 좋아했다는데서 인만 인트라 불리고 있습니다.

 외에도 193034번째부터도 9 6

222,299번째부터는 8 6

244,453번째부터는 5 6

252,499번째부터는 6 6옵니다.


 외에도  많은 연속열들이 있는데

 연일까요? 아니 필연일까요?


7번 연속으로 같은 숫자가 나오는 구간 정리 - https://oeis.org/search?q=Starting+positions+of+strings+of+seven&language=english&go=Search


Starting positions of strings of six 0's in the decimal expansion of Pi

1699927, 2328783, 2609392, 3794572, 3794573, 7257528, 10359803, 10976114, 11406224, 12344362, 13310436, 13310437, 14240591, 14615851, 14679006, 15603186, 18195375, 18512360, 19413548, 22065197, 23022835, 23247316, 24195722, 24213637, 25051110, 26263951, 28321017

Starting positions of strings of six 1's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

255945, 2645268, 3218870, 4657555, 4657556, 5130874, 5425806, 5961931, 6653783, 9036112, 11867965, 13249047, 13255651, 15684440, 18548887, 20316848, 22107705, 22564362, 23503699, 28388441, 28580580, 29435972, 30584158, 31678241


Starting positions of strings of six 2's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

963024, 1637080, 1795773, 2523356, 3474036, 5463417, 5803105, 7024615, 9742967, 11836401, 12883291, 13208202, 13371031, 15419528, 15783557, 18183625, 19081176, 20031349, 20363606, 20399387, 20735063, 21682696, 25303344, 31104717, 31614606, 32300569, 33093853, 34422277


Starting positions of strings of six 3's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

710100, 710101, 1129019, 3204765, 3204766, 4098542, 4640063, 5524958, 9831707, 10985154, 12376276, 12469058, 12469059, 13230524, 13247803, 15239977, 18216168, 18216169, 19175682, 19175683, 22562616, 23375381, 24287401, 25841185, 27090294, 28715870, 29796271, 29956363


Starting positions of strings of six 4's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

828499, 1264270, 1691163, 3280219, 3311569, 3552343, 6252652, 6885738, 7282004, 10049065, 10549618, 10567078, 11588274, 11793700, 12376485, 14302933, 15107731, 15408837, 16027040, 16963877, 17122307, 17893953, 17893954, 18125464, 18681327, 22931745, 22931746, 22931747


Starting positions of strings of six 5's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

244453, 253209, 419997, 3517236, 3517237, 5168161, 5892331, 6381473, 7449552, 9325203, 9325204, 9824810, 10519242, 10519243, 12662227, 12687789, 13088126, 14714103, 15859192, 16767908, 18109837, 21826210, 22619752, 23198726


Starting positions of strings of six 6's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

252499, 3813777, 4213896, 5107308, 7114978, 7670945, 8054669, 8209165, 8209166, 8555404, 9711986, 12228698, 12797318, 14486103, 14646906, 14927392, 16002486, 16897961, 17911798, 18696860, 18696861, 19506065, 19715001, 19715002


Starting positions of strings of six 7's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

399579, 452071, 1006927, 2309218, 2376567, 3346228, 3346229, 3775287, 3775288, 4431395, 5267503, 6052100, 6314342, 9569325, 9891884, 10567998, 12306442, 12389948, 13761115, 13841285, 13912716, 14233532, 14233533, 14445874


Starting positions of strings of six 8's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

222299, 2418533, 3019042, 3147134, 3604524, 4722613, 4722614, 5716972, 5765299, 6428161, 6443216, 7747736, 7764272, 7820866, 7820867, 8314999, 8368234, 9386660, 9776789, 11630694, 11887882, 12134905, 12378262, 15836193, 17052618


Starting positions of strings of six 9's in the decimal expansion of Pi.

762, 193034, 1722776, 1722777, 1985813, 2878443, 3062881, 3389380, 3389381, 3529731, 4313727, 4313728, 5466169, 5466170, 6951812, 7298585, 8498459, 11295221, 12943563, 13347753, 14388723, 14593770, 14593771, 14670295, 15256174, 15256175, 15866194, 16192557, 16785635


출처 - https://oeis.org

원주율 100 자릿수 - https://angio.net/pi/digits/pi1000000.txt

원주율에서  생일 찾기 - https://angio.net/pi/bigpi.cgi